Recitals in Aschersleben and Born a. Darß, 2024
On June 20 at 19:30h the duo Gerlint Böttcher and Fermín Villanueva will give a concert in the Rathaussaal in Aschersleben. The program includes Beethoven's Sonata No. 3 as well as Brahms' Sonata No. 1. On November 1, they will repeat the program in the Fischerkirche in Born a. Darß. For more information about the program and tickets, please check the website calendar.

Christmas concerts at the Magdeburg Theater, 2023
At this year's Christmas concerts on December 26, Fermín Villanueva will perform Luigi Boccherini's Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major with his colleagues from the Magdeburg Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets are available in advance at Theater Magdeburg. "The rehearsal of this work was a discovery for me. The cello is presented here in its broadest spectrum – melodicism, virtuosity and color palette," says Villanueva.

Premiere and recording of Klaus Fischer-Dieskau's string quartets, 2021
In November 2020 the Albis Quartett records the premiere of Klaus Fischer-Dieskau's string quartets Nos. 1 and 4 for the German label Arcantus in Berlin. The CD is released on August 11, 2021 and on August 14 the commemorative concert takes place in Berlin in which several musicians will perform and premiere works by the composer Fischer-Dieskau.

Recitals in Königs Wusterhausen and Mertingen, 2020
On October 31, 2020, the duo of pianist Gerlint Böttcher with Fermín Villanueva performs in the only concert organized by the "Schlosskonzerte Königs Wusterhausen" Festival.
"The two extraordinary concerts of the Schlosskonzerte Königs Wusterhausen Festival were sold out last Saturday evening in the large hall of the University of Economics at Königs Wusterhausen. Pianist Gerlint Böttcher and cellist Fermín Villanueva performed a program including Beethoven's Sonata in A major, as well as works by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Frédéric Chopin, Gaspar Cassadó and Senziger Arndt Netzel" Märkische Allgemeine. In 2021 they will perform again in Mertingen (Bavaria).

Recitals and radio performance in Spain, 2019
The duo, Fermín Villanueva and pianist Pierre Delignies, met during their studies in San Sebastián and performed for the first time at the "Quincena Musical" Festival. For their upcoming performances, the two musicians will present a French program with sonatas by Debussy, Chopin and Franck. Concert dates: November 19 at the University of Navarra, November 20 at the Albacete Auditorium, and also on February 9 and 10 next year at the "Fundación Juan March" Madrid. The performances in Madrid will be broadcast live on the Spanish radio station RNE.