Grandiose program [...] with a luminous, seductive, flattering cello sound of immaculate beauty.’’

Donauwörther Zeitung, 2023


On June 20 at 19:30h the duo Gerlint Böttcher and Fermín Villanueva will give a concert in the Rathaussaal in Aschersleben. The program includes Beethoven's Sonata No. 3 as well as Brahms' Sonata No. 1. On November 1, they will repeat the program in the Fischerkirche in Born a. Darß. For more information about the program and tickets, please check the website calendar.

Recitals in Aschersleben and Born a. Darß


Edward Elgar: Salut d'amour
Fermín Villanueva, Gerlint Böttcher
Édouard Lalo: Cello Concerto in D minor
Fermín Villanueva, Gabriel Bebeșelea – OCR
Klaus Fischer-Dieskau – Episodes for violin and violoncello Op. 101
Claude Debussy: Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor
Fermín Villanueva, Maximilian Khevenhüller
Swallows like to listen to me practising the cello


Fermín Villanueva, born in Pamplona (Spain) in 1993, studied violoncello at the Basque Country Music Academy "Musikene" with Prof. Asier Polo. After graduating with a Bachelor's degree, Villanueva continued his studies at the "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Academy of Music and Theater in Leipzig with Prof. Peter Bruns, graduating with a Master's degree with distinction. He then completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Music in Vienna with Prof. Reinhard Latzko.


Villanueva has won several prizes at national and international competitions, such as the European EMCY Prize, the "Young Virtuosos" competition in Sofia and 1st prize at the "Juventudes Musicales de España" competition in Barcelona.


Since 2018 he has been solo cellist of the Magdeburg Philharmonic Orchestra.

Fermín Villanueva, geboren 1993 in Pamplona (Spanien), studierte Violoncello an der Hochschule für Musik des Baskenlandes „Musikene“ bei Prof. Asier Polo. Nach dem Abschluss mit dem Bachelor setzte Villanueva sein Studium an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ in Leipzig bei Prof. Peter Bruns fort und schloss dieses mit dem Master mit Auszeichnung ab. Im Anschluss absolvierte er das postgraduale Studium an der Musikuniversität in Wien bei Prof. Reinhard Latzko.

Villanueva ist mehrfacher Preisträger nationaler und internationaler Wettbewerbe, wie dem europäischen EMCY Preis, dem „Young Virtuosos“ Wettbewerb in Sofia und 1. Preisträger beim Wettbewerb „Juventudes Musicales de España“ in Barcelona.


Seit 2018 ist er Solo-Cellist der Magdeburgischen Philharmonie.

Fermín Villanueva, nacido en Pamplona (España) en 1993, estudió violonchelo en el Conservatorio Superior de Música del País Vasco "Musikene" con el profesor Asier Polo. Tras licenciarse, Villanueva prosiguió sus estudios en la Universidad de Música y Teatro "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" de Leipzig con el profesor Peter Bruns, graduándose con matrícula de honor. A continuación, completó un programa de postgrado en la Universidad de Música de Viena con el profesor Reinhard Latzko.


Villanueva ha sido varias veces galardonado en concursos nacionales e internacionales, como el premio europeo EMCY, el concurso "Jóvenes Virtuosos" de Sofía y el primer premio en el concurso de Juventudes Musicales de España en Barcelona.


Desde 2018 es violonchelista principal de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Magdeburgo.


In 2016, Fermín Villanueva completed his master's degree in pedagogy at the "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Academy of Music and Theater in Leipzig with distinction. In his master's thesis, he focused on the topic of "Cello lessons for adult beginners". During his internship, cello teachers such as Sven Schreiber and Renate Pank were among his mentors.


He gained teaching experience at the "Johann Sebastian Bach" music school in Leipzig, at the "Ottmar Gester" music school in Leipzig and at the Hietzing adult education center in Vienna. He also gave master classes at the "Manuel de Falla" Conservatory in Cádiz and at the "Pablo Sarasate" College of Music in Pamplona.


Duo Recital
Rathaus Aschersleben

Gerlint Böttcher, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A major, Op. 38

Johannes Brahms: Sonata in E minor, Op. 69


Duo Recital – "Die Winde des Sommers"
Weißes Haus Markkleeberg, Leipzig

Stephan König, piano

Manuel de Falla: Suite populaire espagnole

Isaac Albéniz: Mallorca

Enrique Granados: Intermezzo, Spanish Dance No. 5

Alberto Ginastera: Five Argentine Folk Songs

Stephan König: "Die Winde des Sommers"

International Choir Festival Magdeburg
Magdeburg Cathedral

Magdeburg Cathedral Choir


Duo Recital
Fischerkirche in Born a. Darß

Gerlint Böttcher, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A major, Op. 38

Johannes Brahms: Sonata in E minor, Op. 69


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